Still scratching my head for something that’ll fit…

Still scratching my head for something that’ll fit “musical” – although the old Turtle that CQ got me could be an idea 🙂

[chuckle] The wiring as it is at the moment is going to change again – changing who delivers my telly so the cable modem will move across the room again …

Showing the boot

A couple of posts down, there’s one about Jargon Busting where I say something about the dangers of letting geeks and nerds close to coffee and cookies … Let’s just say :

It’s a Bank Holiday (i.e. lots of time)
I have plentiful coffee and fizzy drinks with caffeine
I’ve laid in a supply of Cookies

Watch out world.

Before I jump in to the whole “boot” thing, quick word for The Rose :-). It was great to see her back in work this week, albeit just for 2 days. Small steps. Long term illness can really knock the stuffing out of people, so it’s good to see them fighting back. There’s a lot of strength here that’s allowing this lady to bend and absorb the strain, rather than breaking like my Evil Ex used to do.

Caught the occasional small smile too, although my Big Grin ™ tends to draw that out of people. (Big Grin is also handy for getting the canteen girls to put more into your sandwiches). Still looking forward to seeing the same Big Smile from The Rose that accompanied the raid on my birthday cakes last November 🙂

Fingers crossed that recoveries continue here for The Rose and also CrazieQueen and Aginoth. CQ’s just had knee surgery and Aginoth is still in to sort out his Psoriasis. I’ve been lucky, my only hospital overnighter was a few years ago to have my second nose job.

Ahh – always getting sidetracked by a pretty face, back to my plans for world domination.

People like Sky and other providers love you to join their service but don’t seem quite so keen on you moving away. I’ve been trying to find info on cancellation procedure on Sky’s site for a fair bit of today and have drawn an absolute blank. Think I’ve found something but I get the feeling I’ll be ringing them up on Tuesday. Reason for giving them the boot ?

I’ve been steadily losing channels from my Sky box and it’s got critical now because the channels I watch are going … And the sport too. So hopefully Mr Branson and Virgin Media will come to my rescue before the start of the England v W Indies Test Match to give me an alternate way of watching the cricket. Probably Friday when they fit but won’t be a big loss as most of the cricket happens when I’m working during the week, so I’d get back home with only half an hour or so of play left.

Other big reason is cost – it’s more cash to do phone & internet with Virgin and TV with Sky than to have one place do all 3. And the reason for going to Sky in the first place has gone away, as Virgin now do a video recorder in their set top box.

Easy to join a subscription service but they don’t make it easy when you want to say byebye. British Gas are still being a pain by ringing me at work, even though they’ve been referred to Ofcom for putting 13 silent messages on my answer phone at home in just one day. True ! And it would have been more if the “tape” hadn’t run out.

One thing that going back to Virgin means is that I’ll need to rearrange my network again, so no more stretching of cable across the floor when gaming.

Right – my glass is now empty, so it’s time to refill. Which will take me dangerously close to the Coffee And Cookies.

Muahaha – see you later, if the world survives.

I will have to photo some of our wiring setups for…

I will have to photo some of our wiring setups for you sometime. 🙂 We have a tendency to collect a lot of pieces of wood and make a lot of shelves/desks/etc. DIY is more fun sometimes.