Advent Day 22 – Cookie Emblem Sidewinder Guard

Hello everyone,

I may have opened Stellaris again today. This is very dangerous. I have managed to extract myself from it though. (Smells were coming from the kitchen and I didn’t want that to turn into burny smells)

What’s behind the doors ?

Milk and Cookies again today, with someone who I think is a guard of some kind. Ah ha ! Jays Brick Log comes through again and it’s the pilot of yesterday’s Cloud Car.

The emblem in the background is for Commander Shepard of Mass Effect’s N7 space marine organisation. The best of the best and all that.

Before I do Elitecember’s theme for today, I’m going to mention buying stuff. Elitecember includes a quick drawing today ! Hurrah, drawing soon. Natter later. Or natter first. I think part of my brain is still subjugating the xenos in Stellaris. My neck definitely is.

I’m seeing the usual offers pop up for places like Steam, Humble and I’m even on the Epic Games store as well now. But I haven’t pulled the trigger on anything yet. Probably very soon. I think it’s because I’ve collected a bunch of games that I just haven’t played and acquiring more seems like a waste. Maybe I’m being more careful with my money. Maybe I’m thinking of house stuff that needs to be acquired. The cooker is the latest. It still cooks stuff actually quite nicely but the fan’s died on it. Just means you cook things for longer.

It’s Amazon too … I haven’t bought any new music for a while. Probably soon, when I come back from the Xmas break. Posts are going to be a little weird over the next few days by the way. I need to do a couple more drawings, including another attempt at a real face … We’ll see how that works out.

For now though, the Steam cart has 4 things in it :
Far Lone Sails – a charming side scrolling adventure game.
Stellar Tactics – a promising looking space strategy game.
1000 days to escape – a fun looking game about getting Earth’s population to escape before a calamity hits
Motorsport Manager DLC – something I’d avoided so far but it’s only £1.50.

Fuzzy playing Alien Isolation has me more curious about that game again. Surprisingly though, it’s only on the standard 15% off sale on Humble and not on sale on Steam. Must look at Amazon again.

Elitecember’s theme of the day is the Sidewinder :

That’s going all the way back to the start of my character and the ship is the Money Spider. The tiniest ship in the collection that’s still a full fledged starship.

There’s the one from my previous save, named Humility.

The Sidewinder is essentially just a box with a hyperdrive on it. A small, get you going ship. Nippy. Couple of guns, bit of cargo space. You could get going quickly in it doing fast courier missions between neighbouring stars.

Dwagon’s first starship if you will. He looks excited. may the little ship do him proud.

See you tomorrow !