Advent Day 23 – Butterscotch Gonky Shields

Hello everyone,

Firstly, before I dive in, the next few posts are going to be a little weird in how they come out. I’m not sure how much writing chance I’ll get over the next week so I’m writing them in advance and hopefully adding in an update or two. This one might be a little shorter than usual too, because I’m actually going to be writing three posts now !

Day 23 ! What’s behind the doors …

It’s a favourite of the original movies, the Gonk droid wrapped up in festive colours. You can get a Gonk droid now (and an R2D2) with motors in from the Lego people. (Linky) It’s the Droid Commander set. Shop around though, you can get that set so much cheaper than the £180 that Lego are asking. (More like £125 from a local shop).

It’s another set I’m very curious about … but space is even more of a factor with this one.

The marshmallow is another Butterscotch marshmallow.

We’ve hit the last of the Mass Effect posters ! I think they’ve been pretty good. They borrowed a decent amount from other scifi but they created a wonderful universe for Mass Effect, that you could happily lose yourself in. And the games did an excellent job of letting you do just that. I must play through them again some time and do that journey again.

The Elitecember theme for today is Shields and after getting his shiny new Sidewinder yesterday, the Dwagon wants some defences for it.

I don’t think those are quite the right kind of shields but his heart’s in the right place.

I was enjoying doing some combat in the Fer-De-Lance acquiring some more pictures for this theme …

Ockali there was about to have a really bad day as their shields failed and the guns started chewing into their hull. The combat damage looks fairly spectacular in game, as lasers leave molten scars in the hulls of your enemies.

But you have to get through those shields first. This over curious (aka canned scripted lines) fella was about to get a surprise as my guns lit up those shields.

And another enemy feels the force of those multi-cannon. This one was firing back though, my shields are a little down and the distortion starts coming in on the displays.

I didn’t win all the fights that day (I was very surprised by how effective a little fighter was) but it was a good day in the Gingery Nonsense.

Back tomorrow for you with more of the saga of the Dwagon Commander.