Probing in Dark Places

I’ve been bouncing around the Internet Spaceship galaxy again …

That’s a black hole … and the galaxy. More of that later …

In real life stuff, things are getting a bit more scary no ? If you are worried about what’s going on, you’re in a good place. It’s ok. I’m right there with you on it. I think the situation will develop further as time goes on, then it’ll hit a plateau and start reducing again. But in the meantime, keep being wary of it, take your precautions, don’t be silly about it and I hope you and your people will come through this ok. I suspect that Comic Con Birmingham will disappear, that one is 9 days from now. I reckon London Comic Con at the end of May is probably 50:50 at the moment. I think the Lords day will still happen … but that’s an event held at a wide open stadium, not something in a closed in exhibition centre.

I had a mission accomplished last night from the shopping trip. I was out of Mini Eggs so had to indulge the panic of running out to get more. Also acquired loo roll because that was a due purchase. Looks like the locusts had hoovered up most of the loo roll but they’d rolled out a fresh pallet of the stuff … sorted. The thing of 4 will keep me going for a bit. I was feeling as if I was being judged for having my loo roll in the trolley though.

May also have acquired more popcorn and a big Toblerone.

Internet spaceships ? As the thumbnail (and the title!) suggests, I’ve been getting braver with the black holes …

That one was rather pretty. The game lets you get pretty close to them and I got curious enough to do a little research on what we’re seeing there.

You’ll probably already know about the Event Horizon, the point at which even light cannot escape. This is also known as the Schwarzchild radius for non rotating, uncharged black holes (simple ones). If you were to pack our Sun into a size smaller than its Schwarzchild radius (I’m just gonna call this the S Radius), it would become a black hole. Our Sun’s S Radius is 2.95km. That’s not very big … (The radius of our Sun averages as 696,000 km).

The stars you see in the picture that look like an eyeball globe is the Photon Sphere. This is at 1.5x the S Radius. The game lets you approach to maybe double that. It doesn’t let you get any closer than that and depending on the size of the hole, the ship starts getting hotter. The small black holes are the best because you can orbit them quicker.

This one was stunning. The orangey/yellow type thing in the background is actually the straightness of the Milky Way ribbon bent around the black hole by the gravitational lensing. You can also see the lensing within the photon sphere. At some point, I’ll do a video because the screenshots don’t do justice to how the lensing folds and unfolds as you approach and …


I’m curious about the gravity though, so if you don’t mind I’m gonna think aloud through the numbers for a minute … The Gravity equations is :

Force = Gravitational Constant * Mass of Object 1 * Mass of Object 2
Radius ^2

The Gravitational Constant is known : 6.674 * 10 ^ -11.
Mass of Object 1 will be our black hole. For our Sun, that’s 1.9884 * 10 ^ 30 kg.
And we can ignore Mass of Object 2 because :

Force = Mass x Acceleration.

To calculate the Acceleration, we divide Force by Mass, which means Mass Of Object 2 cancels out.

So big number time : Acceleration per solar mass = 13.27 * 10 ^ 19 / Radius in m squared. (1.327 * 10 ^ 20)

That makes the acceleration at the Schwarzchild Radius of a 1 Solar Mass object =
1.327 * 10 ^ 20 / (3 * 10 ^ 3) * (3 * 10 ^ 3)
By the way, you can cheat with the powers of 10. Multiplying them adds, dividing subtracts, so that works out to 1.47 * 10 ^ 13 m/s/s. Or about 1,500,000,000,000g. 1 g = about 10m/s/s (actually 9.81 but that needs a calculator and I’m lazy!)

Going out to 10km reduces that to 1.327 * 10 ^ 12 or 132,700,000,000g.
25km makes that 2.12 * 10 ^ 11 m/s/s or 21,200,000,000g.
1000km is 1.327 * 10 ^ 8 or 13,270,000g.
696,000km or the current surface of the Sun is 2.74 * 10 ^ 2 or 27.9g. Phew – wiki agrees.

I do hope this math is right. Either way, you’d want pretty strong engines or Space Magic to keep you out of the black holes at that range.

That’s a considerably bigger black hole … and my 4th trip to Sagittarius A* at the centre of the galaxy. Sagittarius A* is estimated to be 4 million Solar masses and its Schwarzchild Radius is 1.187 * 10 ^ 10 m (11.87 billion km). It’s chunky.

I think that’s enough math for one day.

I found this place while on the travels, attempted to join the dots. Need brighter ship lights.

If a star isn’t big enough to collapse into a black hole (our Sun is not, the threshold is about 2.17 stellar masses according to Wiki) after exploding, then it may crush down into degenerate subatomic particles. As these squish together, a neutron star may form … or pulsar. In the game, these have streamers running off of varying levels of violence. The one above was pretty gentle and the idea is to run the streamer just long enough to super charge the jump drive so you can bounce huge distances between stars. For my current ship, that takes the range from 65 light years up to 261. Neat for crossing vast distances quickly.

And they look rather pretty too.

I found some planets along the way too, here’s a water world. These seem to be generated a fair amount by the game.

That one is an Ammonia world.

Another black hole, this time with a star behind it … or maybe in front. Or behind me and the lensing has turned it all the way around. This one was from today and it’s the GRS 1737-31 black hole, coming in at 48.2 solar masses giving a S Radius of 142km. The game let me approach to 185km, which was closer than I predicted, that Photon Sphere should have been at 213km.

But … alas, my hand was starting to complain at too much probing of the dark holes so I called it a night not long after visiting GRS 1737-31. I found a curious canyon system :

And a good place to settle in.

Nite all. Apologies for me letting the geek out in the middle there :-D. Wait. Sorry not sorry ! 😀

Appreciation time !

Hello everyone,

Apparently it’s International Women’s Appreciation Day today. Which gives me a good excuse to say nice things about people. But first … a thumbnail is required …

Ladies of NASA ! Did I really never post these ? Oops. This was a good little set with some interesting history within the material that came with it.

Let’s start with a few amazing people who I know. First up there is the ever wonderful LTK, who listens to the jokes, natters away and loves the various screenshots coming through. And then there’s the Lark, who has been a great cinema buddy (not much lately although I really enjoyed The Handmaiden – special film), hopefully there will be another Comic Con this year although that depends on the organisers and a certain virus that’s doing the rounds. They’ve both been amazing friends over the last few years.

As for virus stuff – I think I’m outside of the danger period that I was keeping an eye on ! The incubation period is supposed to be something like 14 days and I’m ok. It’s now 14 days since getting off the flight from Canada and I was seeing that as the danger period times. Mind you, I did forgo heading into Cardiff on Friday but that was more because it was later than ideal and there was nothing interesting in the Cardiff cinemas, less due to the case of virus that’s been announced for someone in Cardiff.

Still, it’s ok to be cautious. (Not ok to be crazy about it though, there’s too much panic buying happening at the moment).

Back to ladies ! Special mention for the Sleepymum and Sleepysister too. I’ll see them again in a few weeks for the Mothers Day weekend.

Special mentions for the Purple Pixie, Snow Queen, Fork Lady, Alex, Sarai and Krinza. Especially Krinza who helped me through a few really rough times with the various Warcraft dramas that happened over the years.

Before I go any further though, if you know me and don’t see your name here … that’s cos you are far more amazing than my brain is and it’s full of holes due to cricket balls.

There’s a few amazing ladies who have recently joined the team I’m in too, in the project, in commercial and in finance too. And then there are the Finance Angels who have been extremely patient over the years with me too and perhaps taught me a few things along the way too.

We get fantastic support from the ladies in the wider teams at work too, although we’re switching teams at the moment so we’re switching to different people to help us out.

Mind you, there’s also a couple out in the wider world of people who make it possible for us to keep doing what we do. I’ve named one of my ships Strength of Atlas but these two are definitely the strength of atlas. One of them has pulled an airliner down a runway for charity …

Where to next ? I’m definitely still well invested in the gaming world and am doing that thing again where I have two streams on. (One’s on laptop). Huge shout outs for :

Fuzzyfreaks – who is always massive crazy fun watching the streams. It’s always something different, something amusing, maybe shocking too, always whole hearted. May she keep streaming for many years to come. When she does role play streams, you’re never bothered if the plot doesn’t advance because it’s just too much fun watching her character interaction.
Also Teacakes – who is as lovely as both varieties of nommy teacake.
HelloitsKolo – is on the laptop at the moment playing Breathedge, a wonderful human being who is just so nice ! She’s also built a wonderful, generous community who just did wonderful things for the Special Effect charity.
HeyChrissa – wonderful Chris who has sadly walked away from the streaming scene now and we definitely miss her. But she’ll move on to bigger and better things I’m sure. Chris was the one who is the reason I started talking in stream chats, to join in with her own lovely community.
Tashnarr – is a relatively new streamer for me. I never really watched while she was doing the creative streams, although those were still excellent streams. There were just other people on ! Tash is another lovely person, with a cheeky, chirpy, giggly, definitely no nonsense attitude and a pleasure to listen to.

And then there’s Maggie Krohn and Random Tuesday. Plus Community Leader Susie who has been wonderful to follow on the Twitters. Oh ! Pip Warr too, previously of Rock Paper Shotgun and they lost their best, most interesting person when she disappeared from there. It was great keeping up with the adventures of Humhum, simple and excellent drawings, great character, lovely humour.

The various streams have been great to listen and lurk in. Definitely beats any telly you can think of.

Dwagon commander salutes you all.

I just had a look back through those Elitecember pictures too – varied quality but there’s a few in there that I really like and I owe a lot to Steph (@sourfruitjunkie) and Aria (@genkisoda) of the Inklings for encouraging me to try drawing more by showing techniques and above all, showing Fun in drawing.

To the wider world ? Let’s see :

Sarah Taylor is an inspiration in the world of cricket. Her wicket keeping (retired now) was a joy to watch. There comes along a player in every generation who is special, who does their thing in sport just so much better than everyone else. And then there are the once in a lifetime people who take it to a whole new level. I don’t think I’ll ever see a better wicket keeper than Sarah Taylor. She’s battled the mental demons too, (the short with Katherine Brunt is pretty special there too) which is tough for anyone. She’s quieter off the field but when she does post, there’s someone wonderful there.

Of the twitter people I follow, Marina Sirtis is another very special one. From Star Trek TNG, to Stargate, to numerous other parts over the years, she’s always bringing that presence to the screen. And she’s fun (and different) to follow on Twitter.

You can’t mention Stargate without talking about Amanda Tapping who is quieter on Twitter but still fun to follow. I suspect the quiet is due to busy. She’s been involved with a number of fun, interesting shows, with Sanctuary being another highlight. She always seems like she has a lot of fun doing what she does. Always try to have fun with whatever you do.

Susie Goodall and Dee Caffari from the yachting world have also been inspirational. It’s been great following their progress in both the Vendee Globe and Volvo Round the World race.

Yes. It felt like it was time for a gratuitous picture of a boat. It had almost gone round the world at that point, with just one more leg to go to the finish.

I think that’s my brain emptied for now. These are but a selection of wonderful people. There are many more. Including those who I’ll think “I should have added them too !”, probably 5 minutes after posting !

See you next time. I may have pictures of black holes.

Hello again world, it’s been a while again

Crikey ! Almost a month again since my last post.

I think that’s the longest I’ve gone between posts since I had the break between 2006 and 2008. There’s been a few things going on … Let’s see. But first ! Thumbnail pic. Thumbnail pic is very important.

Yep. It’s a chocolate dwagonsaur and it was glorious. When I saw it in the service station on Saturday, I knew I’d seen my latest Easter Avatar. And like the marshmallow advent calendar, I got to munch him too.

This post looks like it’s kinda going to go a bit backwards in time but Saturday saw me in the Gloucester services again. The one with an amazing farm shop … Sherbets and bonbons may have jumped in to the shopping basket as well as the chocolate dwagonsaur. Oh and I suspect their canteen gave me some hidden extras that saw me going back and forward to the loo on Saturday evening. All ok now. But I’m waiting until next weekend before I attack the Pineapple chunks again.

Or it could have been that ^.

Oh – Gloucester services, on the way back from getting the car serviced and people attempting to sell me another new car. I’ve only had this one for a year ! To be honest, I was getting a bit irritated by it, which is a first for that place. One thing that sets Lexus apart is how they treat their customers and I thought trying to get me into another new car after just a year was a bit much.

The car they were looking to get me in to was their fairly new Lexus UX which, thinking about it, nope. It feels like they’ve let the designers run with ideas that shouldn’t necessarily have been let out of the design school. The CT was a genuinely luxury small car that combined great practicality too. It’s only real flaw is that the Prius powertrain isn’t powerful enough. The IS suits me just fine, it’s a comfy cruiser, fairly minimalist but that also means it’s uncluttered. The UX is more compressed and a few bits of its design don’t really make sense. It has more toys … but it’s also more cluttered and I think less intuitive on the inside. It also has a really high boot floor. I don’t use the boot that much but I do like not having to lift things too high to get them in to the boot. Oh and I’ll also change boots/shoes (work stuff) with my feet on the boot sill and I think that sill was high enough to endanger trousers.

So – Stan* is all serviced for another year, tyres are all pumped up and the pointiness is back in the steering. All good. I think the tyres were steadily going down, which led to bad fuel economy on the last few tanks. And some sponginess in the steering too, which I didn’t notice until it was gone. (Small gradual changes tend not to be noticed !)

*Car names ! Not all of my cars have had names, just the well liked ones. There have been two Buggies … The Astra and the Puma (I’ll get back to the Puma) were both well loved Buggies. The CT I had was the Tardis cos it was just the right blue :

Shiny. The first IS I had was the Grey Ghost, because it was really quiet and grey. This also happened to be the nickname of USS Enterprise in World War 2. So when the next grey IS arrived, it became Alpha. Because NCC 1701A was almost identical to NCC 1701. And then following that meme, NCC 1701B was an Excelsior class Enterprise and Stan Lee (RIP) loved using the word Excelsior. NCC 1701C was an Ambassador class Enterprise, only seen for one of the best ST:TNG episodes (Yesterday’s Enterprise). What ambassador could it be ?

Puma … here’s a proper Puma :

I had that car for I think 7 years. The car itself was a big upgrade from the Fiesta, built on the same chassis but given a lot of improvements. It was a lovely little sports coupe and on one occasion, pulled a “MOMMY MOMMY IT’S A SPACESHIP” from a very young passing by boy, which pulled an ear to ear grin from me hearing it. The new Puma is a small SUV. That’s heresy. At least pull out a new name !

I’ve been recovering from jet lag too. A significant amount of the time since the last post was spent in Canada … Yep. Different country ! (Not counting Wales and Scotland there …) Different continent ! 3 different time zones … Or was it 4 time zones. Might have been. I didn’t switch to Toronto time on the way back although I did do Ottawa time. Or was Ottawa on the final location time.

I have to be a little careful about that final location because I’ve already had a “I know exactly where that is !” comment from a picture that went on a discord. A local identified pretty much the exact spot I was standing in. It didn’t have anything work related on it (the pic was a moody shot towards a bridge, illuminated by the morning sun) but the Canada trip is definitely a case of potential 1+1 = 3 and you have to be really careful about that on the internet.

So what I mean there is : You know the country. If I said the city, you know the dates as well. And if you saw things in the news about unusual events going on … then you guess what I was working on. That’s not information I want aggregating up to be on the interwebs. Because once it’s on the interwebs, it doesn’t come off, despite what GDPR and Right to Delete would like to safeguard.

But yeah ! Canada ! Enjoyed my time there, although I did have what could be described as dislocation shock for a bit. The people are great and the reputation that Canadians have for Total Politeness is very much deserved. They’re a lovely bunch. All of them ! And very patient with the Brit in town looking to not make too many mistakes and social errors.

When I arrived though, it snowed. They seem amazing about attacking the snow and clearing the roads sufficiently for driving around on them with no impact … but the snow had just come down when I arrived and the 100km/h multi lane highways were maybe 50km/h single lane of ice. And there may have been a 4 wheel understeer skid coming out of the airport too which woke me up a bit ! Maybe “woken up” is the wrong word there, more like “made me sit up and pay attention”. I don’t drive on extreme ice much but it just needs an adjustment of mindset and a lot of chilling out to avoid getting in trouble on the ice. 4×4 helps too.

Curiosities about Canada :
Road signs are easier to understand, although I pretty much blanked most of the main ones due to relying on satnav.
They love their flavoured coffee. I see this as a good thing, although it has pretty much confirmed an issue I have with Ginger. It must upset a problem with my insides.
I really miss buttery popcorn. It is lush. (And 1917 is a fantastic film I got to see there in time away from work).
Pedestrians are king. People stop for you in the designated crossing areas. GB could not be more different there. I was in danger of being run over again tonight by someone who wasn’t looking where she was driving in a car park.
They really love their flavoured coffee.
Biscuits come in boxes, not packets.
They have Mini Eggs too …
4 hours of time zone difference can mess you up when you get back !
All the sidewalks and roads were clear of snow by the end of the day after it snowed. Huge amounts of snow around that mind …

Huge pile of snow !

I’ve probably said this already but the people were lovely.

I’d happily recommend Canada as a place to go when it’s the actual season. Maybe half the places in the more touristy area were closed, because we went there at a specific time of year to get the conditions we needed.

I was rationing my energy somewhat and attempting to avoid too much time zone shock though, so I didn’t get out too much around the actual work stuff. But it was a good couple of weeks out there :-).

Last thought – I’m being slightly wary of coronavirus, although I’m not taking any precautions over and above the baseline of minding my sneezes and washing the hands. I saw a very small number of people in the airports wearing masks, plus one of the cabin crew wore a mask on the way back. I’m not sure if she was wearing the mask for protection from bugs or to stave off potential discrimination. She was a pretty Asian lady, which made me think there was potential for Bad People to think Asian = Carrier. That’s bad. We should be better than that as a people. Anyway, she was lovely and got the smiles from me.

Be good to people. The Canadians are lovely. Don’t trust Samsung … but that’s a different story.

(Ok, ok, I had my Galaxy S7 out there with a temporary SIM card, had to turn data off on it because it was munching my credit and … it was still using tiny amounts of data, at a much reduced rate but still enough to trigger the minimum 7 cents charge, with the data OFF.)

I have bonbons. Cya !

PPS Books read while out there : Murderbot Chronicles 1 by Martha Wells – short, great. Much enjoyed. Tiamat’s Wrath, book 8 of the Expanse by James S.A. Corey – another excellent book in the series that moved the story on in dramatic fashion. Wondering how they’ll end it in the next book. A Big Ship At The End Of The Universe by Alex White – space scifi mixed in with a healthy dose of Magic. The premise was new, different, odd and … actually worked extremely well in this book. I’ve wishlisted the next two in the series and will read them at some point. And I’ve made a start on Old Man’s War by John Scalzi (mutter car mutter salesmen mutter interrupting reading mutter mutter mutter)

Long time no post

Hello everyone,

(checks clock) 2 weeks since last post ! Haven’t gone anywhere … yet. Although I will have a week and a half away on business stuff. May post things while I’m out there …. depends on data. What’s been happening since I’ve been quiet ?

Random stuff time !

Stellaris happened. I finished off the game where I was going for the Suffer Not The Alien achievement. (Murder everything as a fanatic xenophobe). Got the target … but not the achievement. Bit annoyed about that but it’s just a game. I started up another game, just to get the achievement yesterday. Hopefully it does, it’ll have to wait though until I’m back from For’n Parts. The reason the achievement didn’t happen was a bug … a remnant of an event was left over and was blocking it.

Mass Effect Andromeda is also still happening …


I’ve been having fun with this one since coming back to it. It’s perhaps a bit too long, although that means there is tonnes to do in the game. There’s also lots of interpersonal chat that goes on amongst the crew.

Windy here this weekend. I really should have acquired my fuzzy goodies yesterday but wasn’t feeling it, so that happened today. I now have fuzzy things that will hopefully keep the cold off next week !

Still need to switch over my memory cards and move my pictures to the new card. One drawback of the Pixel phone is that it’s very generous with what it does with data. So pictures taken with it get uploaded at the moment. I’m content with that because it makes it a lot easier to publish pictures from the phone on here. Instead of Bluetooth to laptop and then network share to desktop, it’s a one step action. But it does mean that I have to be more careful of what I take pictures of. The proper camera can take better pictures too.

We’ll see how it goes this week and next. I may actually be trading extreme weather here for extreme weather somewhere else.

It’ll be good to travel again too.

Another couple of emotes got done – can’t show those here though because they’re modifications of someone else’s art instead of being completely my own. I’m still at that point where I can do much better by modification than by pure creation. That said, the dragon drawings were getting chuckles still.

Politics – thought I’d mention those … I try and keep this a completely politics free zone. But that doesn’t mean I’m not affected by them as well or that I don’t feel affected by the various issues. I just think that this should be a safe place where people don’t have to think about the nasty stuff. You get that stuff pushed at you from all the other places, it’s good to have a rest once in a while ?

That goes for the posts where people go “Repost so I know you’ll listen”. PLEASE ! Don’t do that. It’s a guilt trip for everyone involved. Both from the people like me who will eagerly lend a listening ear if someone needs to talk. And the people posting the Thing who then psychologically tot up who replied, who responded.

Just because I ignore all of the posts like that, doesn’t mean I won’t be replying to your Skype, Messenger or other message. I’ll be eager to help anyone out best I can. Sometimes I help too much. That’s just me. Sometimes hyperactivity makes me blind to how people are reacting to what I say. That’s me too.

But at the centre – I like to help people. Whether that’s answering problems, listening to things they need to discuss with someone or …. just bringing a smile or a chuckle.

Anything else occurring ? Easter is almost upon us ! Must tidy up the avatar pic from last post.

Someone read all my posts over the last week. I’ve been seeing the hits on the Google hit counter and I think it’s been awesome to see someone so interested in what I’ve been writing. Don’t worry about GDPR or similar from my end, all I see on the Google thing is Operating System (or phone), browser and country. I don’t get any more than that. I have the Statcounter thing as well but I’d be very surprised to see that pick up anything. It rarely does these days, I suspect it gets trapped by adblockers. Which is ok. I run adblockers too.

But ! Person who’s been checking me out ! You’re awesome and all those hits make me happy. Thank you.

Elite – haven’t played that for a while. I think there might be a connection to my wrists feeling better … although that could be the Magnesium citrate tablets. Since starting those, I have had zero cramp. None.

Phone stuff – if you’ve got my numbers … I’ll be somewhere roaming doesn’t apply for a while. So hold off on the texting or phoning. I’m hoping to have wifi access and data and have an alternate sim for while I’m out there.

I better get my dinner before it burns more ! Still need to replace that cooker. Still cooks things nicely though. See you hopefully sooner rather than later.

Bikes and Cars and … Mini Eggs ?

Another busy week.

Or at least it’s felt a lot like it was busy.

Since adding Magnesium tablets (Magnesium citrate) to the stuff I take*, they’ve met the aim of “let’s not have those savage cramps any more” but I think they’ve addressed a symptom that I thought was just me being tired. Yep. Hyperactivity is coming back again, although it’s tending to be when I need to bring out the energy and after a bit of a warm up. So I’ll bounce off the walls and do stuff while at work and then zonk out when I get home.

Oh ! Thumbnail for post time :

Yep. That’s going to be a new avatar at some point :-D. With a little bit of processing of course (I’ll cut out the background and put transparency in).

*What was the star about ? I’m not taking much at the moment to keep me healthy. I’m on vitamin tablets and now the Magnesium citrate tablets because I was getting heavy cramps pretty much daily. Cramps in my legs are something I can handle, it’s easy to stretch out and break those cramps but these were happening in my sides … and all you can do there is pretty much stand there and take it while waiting for it to subside. I thought I should do something about that. The main symptoms are tiredness (yep), general weakness (yep), muscle cramps (ouch yep), abnormal heart rhythms (dunno), tremors (had a finger twitch in first couple of days of the tablets) and a few other things that I’m not going to look up.

Be wary of Dr Google though, it’s worked in this case but I have had adverse reactions to other Good Idea Magic Pills in the past. Like another type of multivitamin which had adverse mental effects (Sleepypete became Nastypete, those ones got ditched after a week after we realised what was happening) and I can’t take anti-histamines because I get most of the side effects including a nasty one with my tummy.

I haven’t had to use any of the Timodene gunk for my outsides for many months though, which is a great sign of progress. My outsides are incredibly close to being healed. (Timodene is another topical steroid that promotes healing)

So … needing to take another supplement because my diet as a whole is pretty nasty but steadily getting back to health again.

Teaser for later :

What could that be ? Oh wait, there’s a picture below. Oh well. No surprises for later :-D. I still have a Lego Porsche to put together as well when I clear space to take pictures in.

This weekend has seen a lot of sport be on the various devices. I’m enjoying listening to the end of the Daytona 24 hours via (linky). There’s a classic example there of a series that sets itself up well and presents itself excellently. The racing is great, it won’t be certain who will win in each class until the end, although some of the competition have essentially eliminated themselves through various incidents that delay them enough to put them out of contention. But yeah, the racing is great across all classes and the presentation through is top class.

Compare that to World Endurance Championship and you essentially have a one-make top class where only one team is likely to win the actual races, unreliability marring the rest of the LMP races and shockingly poor presentation through what goes out through BT Sport (not so bad if you watch on the red button) and Eurosport. It’s as contemptuous as how terrestrial TV used to treat cricket when they were allowed to have Test Matches. A sequence of “Over to … in the pits for an interview” followed by a set of adverts instead of the interview was not just rare, it was happening for all of the interviews.

Too many ads, not enough racing.

I have a daft thought there instead of prioritising the Le Mans 24 hours, I might give the priority to the Nurburgring 24 hours which should happen a weekend after. However, while there’s a lot more diversity at the Nurburgring, the attitude seems to be “any car can win as long as it’s German”. That’s poor. If your car is good enough it should not need advantages. Oh and I also abandoned ship and went to bed for last year’s Nurburgring because I thought there was a good chance of someone being seriously hurt during the race and I didn’t want to see that.

Oh there may also have been Internet Spaceships and Spacemarines …

The latest foray was in to the jungle planet of Havarl to fix that place up. I’m still enjoying this one, enough to have a very long session yesterday before realising that Daytona was on.

It’s been getting prettier as I turn up the graphics options.

There have been internet spaceships as well, although that one has kinda been on a motivation break for a bit. I’ll pile back into it at some point.

There have been some Pretty Things on the route so far. Shiny.

But … crafting may have happened in the week …

Frame and engine, ably displayed by a dragon who insists on displaying himself.

The frame takes place – spot the occasional cocktail stick poking out too. This one was held together more with pins, whereas the tug boat was interlocking pieces of wood.

The top goes on to the bike …

A rear wheel is added (zooming in may show an elastic band drive chain).

A completed bike ! Needed a rider.

I think he’s looking forward to taking it out.

And there we go !

Need more models now. That’s one thing though, I’ve been enjoying putting the models together but it’s good to have models you enjoy putting together ! Lego has been a little bit underwhelming of late and I might run out of the interesting Ugears models too. I sense a trimaran yacht arriving at some point.

But first … there’s just over another hour of Daytona 24 hours to enjoy. See ya !

PS Signed up to Amazon Prime Video for Star Trek Picard. Worth it on the first episode.

Inner space, outer space

Hello everyone,

I’ve been checking out something old. Well, not so old actually. It came out in 2017 but wasn’t particularly well received when it did come out. Perhaps unfairly but we’ll come back to that later.

Ok. Quick peek first … For the thumbnail you know.

I’ve been continuing to accessorise … Gadgets are cool. I need a cover or preferably a wallet style thing to cover the front of the phone when I’m not using it. Partly because the back of it is so slippy, the phone likes to end up on the floor. Partly because it’s showing a tendency to open while it’s in my pocket and end up on screens like the EULA for Apple Music. Yep, it’s done that several times so far …

So I’m looking for accessories for it. There’s another thing it keeps slipping off … I have that Bluetooth speaker and wireless charger ! But the phone is so slippy, it doesn’t stay on the charging pad due to the vibrations coming from the speaker. I know ! Crazy, right ?

The speaker thingy is an Oslo Energy device bought from John Lewis (disclosure note – not provided) and I like what it’s giving me as a speaker already. The Cambridge Audio speaker I had before seemed not quite right in what it was sending out in audio. This one is louder and purer. Perhaps because it’s louder. Volume tends to cure bad sound.

So the laptop is currently sending music to the hifi through one Bluetooth widget and system audio (like stream audio) to the Oslo Energy thing. On the whole, the system copes pretty well but I have been hearing periodic audio break up from them as probably things get busier. I haven’t heard it yet tonight though.

I also have another Ugears model to put together at some point.

Internet spaceships ? I’ve been enjoying going back to Mass Effect Andromeda. I was probably on a down when it first came out, plus I’d been watching it on stream and was getting a bit spoiled on it. The memory has faded since and the temptation came back to play it.

There’s one taken from the game’s own screenshot mechanism. Nothing so sophisticated as a F10 For Screenshot button, gotta use a console command unless you have access to an nVidia card for their Ansel feature.

One on the ground, showing the early crew, your rover and the scout spaceship they give you. I’m steadily turning up the graphics but these early shots were from cruder settings. Hopefully better later.

That’s another from pretty early in the game, as I’m getting used to the Ansel system. In the foreground, we have Sara Ryder, Pathfinder protagonist and the character you play in the game. She’s thrust in to the role due to events in the prologue and the game takes a theme of happy go lucky, make it up as you go along and shoot lots of things.

I’ve been enjoying it so far, although the last couple of sessions haven’t had any combat. That’s one thing about these games, it doesn’t have to be pew pew all of the time, I’ve been enjoying watching the stories unfold and I think the developers had an over riding first priority of FUN with this one.

And then there’s another one of our girl and her spaceship.

By the way, I play as the female protagonists because I like the voices. Jennifer Hale was marvelous as Commander Shepard in the first games and Fryda Wolff makes for a lovely Sara Ryder so far.

Oh and there’s also been Stellaris (the wars continue), Motorsport Manager (last season in the lower league coming up I think) and Elite’s been on the back burner for a few days. Oh and I’ve been enjoying England doing well in the cricket too. If the weather cooperates tomorrow, there should be another win happening.

I did find some gorgeous things earlier this week though.

Later !

Back to work and exploring

Hello everyone,

We all went back to work this week, so you can guess what that means … traffic mayhem ! I kinda avoided it for a couple of days by disappearing mostly before the traffic kicked off with the getting bad but got caught out in the mornings.

But first … thumbnail pic !

I’ve been out and about again finding the pretty things with the internet spaceship.

The phone thing has been resolved, although …. I now need accessories. I’m liking the Pixel 4 so far and getting used to how it’s different to the Galaxy S7 but there is something that’s a bit too good with it. It’s too shiny. Which translates to it being super slippy and having a tendency to bounce. So it needs a cover. I think the Pixel 4 is perhaps a bit too new and rare though for suitable covers to be widely available though for an acceptable price. Will have to keep looking.

The other accessory I’m looking for revolves around keeping it charged up … The battery life has been good so far but I like to have the ability to charge up from multiple places. That means leads for home, work and the car. Because …. everyone forgets to put their phone on charge overnight sometimes.

What I’m likely to be acquiring is a combined bluetooth speaker and charging pad and that will help out keeping the laptop audible as well as charging the phone. Cos I have limited plug space as well ! And a combined bluetooth speaker and charging pad will save a socket. I’ve been doing a little research there too, as I already use bluetooth for sending audio from iTunes to my hifi and I’m relieved that I can use two separate devices for sending audio to two different places. Phew ! (It stresses the bluetooth a bit and the audio can break up sometimes but I’m ok with that)

Bit of a bang heading back in to work but it’s good to be back and around people again.

Oh and … watched Knives Out as well on Friday. I’d recommend it if you’re interested in fun, smart, witty detective stories. Definitely one that I enjoyed.

Internet spaceships ? I figured out the answer to “What next?” And it was “Go find pretty things”

Bit of a false start with a visit to the local prison ship. (Oops)

And then we’re off in the latest addition to the fleet, the Searching For Potatoes seen here picking up some improvements. Yep, another meme name.

From fairly early on in the trip, checking out a ringed metallic planet.

One thing I’m enjoying about this ship is a more open cockpit. Gives more chance to look at what’s around.

This particular trip is taking me around stars of scientific interest. The cockpit pic was of Betelgeuse, a red super giant which could well be starting the next stage of its evolution. When its hydrogen runs out, it starts to burn and fuse heavier elements. The redder star is a carbon star, which may well be what Betelgeuse evolves in to.

Pretty ship is pretty. I like the design of this one too.

And silhouetted in from of VY Canis Majoris, another red super giant.

A more humble star, with rings … Which may be a bit daft astronomically.

Been hunting the nebulae too …

The game has been stressing my wrist a little apparently though. So it’s good to find a place to rest up and repair. So this is the last one for today’s post … on approach to the Orion Nebula Visitor Centre.

Back later this week for more !

New Year New Ships New Saga ?

Hello everyone,

Happy new year everyone. I hope it’s a good one for you all.

I’ve started the year with a bit of a saga … I currently have 2x Google Pixel 4 phones. Oops. But first … thumbnail !

What could it be ? More later. There will also be Internet Spaceships and other spaceships.

Phone saga – I attempted to upgrade to a Pixel 4 last week but … did it through the new phone bit instead of upgrade bit, so there would have been issues keeping my old number. I’ve had that number for maybe 25 years now ! (Depends whether I had phone before uni or after) Don’t wanna lose that. Long story short – the new one is cancelled, upgrade has been delivered, all my 2 factor authentication people will be very confused by now (as is the bus ticket people !) and I need to smuggle the new one back to Three again. Apparently the shops can’t take returns from online, which feels a bit daft. It seems like the shops would be the perfect place to transfer custody and check that all the bits are in there.

Internet spaceships has seen a new arrival :

That’s the Searching for Potatoes, a name inspired by the lovely Kolo and that ship will go around the galaxy over the next few months. Should be good. There were some shenanigans with the old ship first though …

Including some planetary base exploration …

Shenanigans in the rover …


That ship looked like it came down pretty hard.

And … new games may have appeared :

It’s called EarthX and it’s about managing a rocket launching company. Looked promising, although it’s an early access game (by a 17 year old on their own – awesome job already) so it’s not done yet. The initial peek was fun.

Back to work tomorrow. The holiday period has been pretty dominated by what feels like a mix of nasty cough and benign cough. The cough itself wouldn’t be too bad … except there’s been a few incidents where it has felt like I’ve had a brain shut down and reset due to coughing too much. Not good, hopefully all gone !

But … about that boat ?

That’s what’s in the box. I’m trying something new here … the new phone automatically uploads pictures to my google account so instead of copying them over via Bluetooth, new technique time. Hope it works out.

Every ship (well – most of them !) starts with a keel laying and my first exposure to elastic bands on this project. There may have been some sorcery with knots required but on the whole, the kit went together pretty smartly with the knobbly bits fitting in to the holes snugly. It won’t be coming apart in a hurry and minimal sanding was needed to encourage things to fit. (Disclosure note – I bought the kit, watch for post and packaging costs – 1 place is cheap, 1 place is super pricey on P+P).

A side panel appears.

And the mechanisms start to take place. There is a driving wheel and a pair of wheels that give the boat a wobbly motion. And a wind up thingy !

And the starboard side goes on the boat. Including pendulum … Oh as always, click for bigger and more detail with these.

Decking appears at the stern. Wonder what that is right near the stern ? More later.

The bow of the ship with the forward hull in place.

A view from a more assembled starboard side.

And much more assembled now. There’s a fair bit of mechanism inside there. This is actually as complete as I’ll take the model !

A view of the bow.

And port side. There’s a lovely finish on the model. It isn’t varnished (would probably interfere with the flat pack and assembly!) but the wood is lovely and gives off a nice woody smell.

Last one from above.

The mechanism is pretty tight so it isn’t doing its elastic band powered forward movement thing but I think that’s misalignments from me during build and a need of some of the waxing to lubricate the joins.

Would definitely get another of these :-D.

Elitecember Day 31 – Frame shift charging to a Happy New Year

Hello everyone,

Last one in this series of posts ! I’ll start with the pic I grabbed at an opportune moment :

Dramatic innit …

That’s my big freighter about to punch its way into hyperspace … through a space station. Hopefully it gets in there before it goes all Last Jedi on it.

What is it ? The game has a form of warp drive called a Frame Shift Drive. It’s pretty much the same as a warp drive, except that it can’t go from star to star (except inside a system), it just lets your ship go from place to place within a star system. Going from system to system uses the same Frame Shift Drive … except it means a jump through hyperspace.

Ignore all that … it’s gameplay mechanics that work for the game and the player.
Sublight – for combat and docking.
Warp drive in a system – lets you go places quickly.
Hyperspace – this is not a loading screen that takes you from system to system.

And because Warp Drive is already probably copyrighted by all kinds of people, it gets called something different with the same meaning.

I’ve been in game again today and yesterday. The current aim is to ramp up the rank with the Empire to unlock the last faction ship. I’m taking it in small bites instead of one big grind but it should be done by the end of the week and then I’m off to find some mysterious tip off places. And hunt for minerals.

(one slight discontinuity later …)

Apparently I was really tired, closed my eyes for a second and half an hour went by ! Oops.

New phone arrived today. It’s a Google Pixel 4 and I’m not altogether convinced just yet … The extra fascia buttons on the Galaxy S7 confused a lot of people but I’m not convinced by the alternatives just yet. It may take a little getting used to but at least I should be able to use internet on the phone without having to reset it into airplane mode and back on again to sort out the Samsung malware, like I had to do on the old phone.

Oh and then there’s the transferring over of data and credentials from the old phone to the new one. It’s copied across data just fine but I’m having to remember credentials that I haven’t entered for a Very Long Time. Just means an excuse to update the passwords.

I can feel that latent sleepiness overtaking me again (it’s because I didn’t get much sleep last night and was active at 8am today waiting for a likely delivery of phone not long after) so it’s time to wish everyone a happy new year and leave with one last picture :

There we go. Not my work but a great one by whoever dropped it on to the Steam forums. It comes from a slight accent difficulty by the cockpit voice lady person …

Happy new year everyone.

Elitecember Day 30 – Credits

Hello everyone,

Day 30 !

Today’s theme is credits, which in the Elite universe is money. Everything revolves around the credits, although you can’t actually buy everything in the game with credits. You have to go out and find Stuff.

Picture ?

Couldn’t resist. Especially as I get to eat the chocolate coins later.

A different clook from a closer angle.

Yep – everything revolves around the credits and the commodities range from an ultra cheap 9 credits for a tonne of water up to almost 1.7m credits to sell a tonne of Void Opals. You have to go out to find and mine the Void Opals, which is something I have in mind to do in a future ship. I need to mine 500 tonnes worth of Stuff and 500 tonne of Void Opals will be worth a fair bit.

My current ship, the Odo’s Courage would cost 113.5m credits to buy again. (Here’s a link to the fit). I had a bit of mission running today, which got me another Empire rank with another to follow when I get the right mission, raised I believe another 10m (Inara is being a bit slow to update).

Here’s how the credits and assets have accumulated since I restarted at the end of April :

There are a few weird blips up and down there where Inara has to catch up to where it’s done imports of the data but apart from that, it’s been a happy steady upwards climb there. The blip before July was a shorter exploration trip in the Searching for Tea :

And the blip upwards around August saw me returning from a trip halfway around the galaxy in the Chrissa’s New Potato :

I had to abandon that particular route because the Potato didn’t have the jump range to visit a very tough to reach star but that ship did really well for me.

And onwards we go. I gotta get back to a cooling pizza :-D.