Week of Random

Ever get those weeks where you have been really busy but when you look back on it, you’re not sure what you were getting up to ?

Feels like last week has been one of those.

(Picture is from someone called Organbutt, made for the Drawception game. I hope you won with it !)

I have been getting chance to catch up on the recorded stuff, both in games and on the telly. The start to the latest Star Trek Discovery series was excellent and I suspect I will be a big fan of Captain Christopher Pike through this series. He stole the show on his debut episode.

The Orville has also been as fun to watch so far this series as it was last series. I’m not convinced that I’m going to stick with the DC Universe series on Sky though. Those have lost their way and I think they ran out of stories a couple of seasons ago.

I have my vouchers from the credit card loyalty thing ! Still got most of them. The only acquisitions so far have been Old Man’s War by John Scalzi and Dogs of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky. I’m still kinda grinding my way through his Children of Time, which apparently has a sequel coming.

The cricket on the telly is showing a game with an incident that I still hold a grudge for (Eng vs NZ ODI in 2008). It’s the infamous incident where an umpire intervened to attempt to get the England captain to change his decision on a run out. Lots of bad behaviour involved, pretty much all of it on the side of the New Zealand players. What happened ? A NZ batsman (Grant Elliott) who has been involved in many other incidents, including abusing his own team mates while on the field, ran straight at the bowler and knocked him out of the way. He was knocked down too, resulting in an easy run out.

The umpire intervened to attempt to get England to withdraw the run out appeal, when they really should have given the guy out “Obstructing the field” instead. The batsman ran straight down the wicket, as they should … however there was no intention or effort to avoid the bowler who was coming for the ball. It felt pretty clear at the time. Still does.

That’s in the past though. I’ve been playing Battletech again. And there’s bad behaviour around this one too, believe it or not.

Spaceship ! That’s the Argo, which (light spoiler) is the ship you play out most of the game flying around in to various places to go stompy stompy with your Battlemechs.

They did a decent job with this one in its vanilla form, although they’re getting heavily criticised for a poor DLC (costing £15.49 which is too much in my opinion) that doesn’t add very much. The game has to be installed on a SSD or it’s frustrating to run … but I was enjoying bouncing from battle to battle on it this morning as my force of mechs and pilots steadily build up their initial training skills and strength. More story soon.

It’s a shame the lead designer has been hounded off Twitter, although that’s a reflection on how poor Twitter is at controlling harassment on its site. I keep a very low profile on that site and steer clear of the potential harassment. It’s not worth your time or mental energy to interact with people like that, just stick to the good ones and don’t hesitate to block the bad ones.

One thing I would like to do is mod the game to expand on the basic mechanics. They’re a bit dumbed down compared to the original tabletop game rules. I’d like some of that complexity back. But …. while there is a mod to do that (called Roguetech), it’s a huge collection of a bunch of other mods that I don’t think play well together. They also replace the original story campaign with something open ended and … boring.

I’ve had a quick look at Roguetech and either it’s beyond the capabilities of my PC (which is just over 7 years old to be honest) or … it’s broken and otherwise unplayable. I’m actually going with the broken and unplayable because I’m suspecting that the massive slowdowns I’m seeing in the strategic layer are due to Roguetech trying to talk to the servers that run the online campaign and just freezes while doing so. Or it’s needing a bit more memory than my PC wants to give it.

Anyway, byebye Roguetech and if anyone’s got a line to a mod that expands the equipment and customisation options out without crippling the game, let me know in the comments. Oh there’s also a bit of he said/she said playground level behaviour in the forums over there which just looks a bit silly.

Oh and a new Battletech campaign run means more names to think up …

Games, many games, frustration at the games … Stargate ?

I’ve been having fun with the games today.

Fun in the senses of bashing your head against the wall as well as enjoying playing them.

Yesterday was fine, it was a mix of Skyrim and Motorsport Manager. I’ve fairly heavily modded Skyrim since getting the Special Edition and it seems far more resilient and stable in that version. It’s still pretty much a run across the country randomly murdering people who get in the way though.

And very pretty too as a game. Even as a 7 year old game. I think that screenshot benefits from a water effects mod and I have a pretty town graphics mod too and a series of others. Oh it’s also benefiting from being played on a nVidia 1060 card, which is more powerful than any of the cards on the market when Skyrim first came out.

It is still pretty much a murder simulator though as your character runs around doing the quests. I haven’t taken a side in the civil war yet in case it causes issues but I know which side I’ll take. Similarly, there’s one mod which I’ll try later that I won’t use yet because I think it’ll cause issues.

That’s the thing with mods, they look great but can cause the issues.

What does get annoying is where the issues aren’t caused by the mods, they’re inherent in the game itself. That’s really frustrating. Problem games recently include :

Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol – this would run a bit on my laptop … and then crash to desktop not long after. Annoying. Haven’t gone back to that.
Grey Goo – is a strategy game from a few years ago that I really should have tried before now ! But I fired it up today and had the usual issues where it resizes all of my desktop windows and to top that off, tried to fit itself in a window that wasn’t the right size and was black. No joy with that one.

I think that’s partly an issue with my monitor actually. It’s a fantastic 1440p monitor but … I have display scaling enabled in order to make the text appear in a size that is readable. However, games get confused by the display scaling. Or they’re just obnoxious.

Star Wars Empire at War is the latest for the hall of shame – this one was playable as far as I tried it today but had a massive problem with flickering on the screen. I don’t think I have the condition where people have massive issues with flickering but … I dislike it and it’s not something I would want to be tolerating in a game.

(I’m trying Empire at War again due to the dissatisfaction with Stellaris at the moment)

And I had a look at Battletech again today. I quite enjoyed playing through the campaign last year. It’s a solid game, if heavily lacking in variety. The standard thing is for your lance of mechs to go into battle against a force around twice its number, albeit weakened. I tried the Roguetech mod again today which … massively opens up the variety but it proved unsatisfying to play due to massive slowdowns. (It was maxing out the 8GB of memory available in my computer).

So that’s 1 good, 4 annoying, last one for today is Motorsport Manager, which continues to be a fun one. I ran through 3 races this morning and my people are starting to win races …

That one was a bit of an aberration as the AI teams and drivers weren’t doing well with the rainy conditions in that qualifying session.

This is a cracking game and the best ever of its type, in my opinion. (There isn’t much competition as the last good one was Grand Prix Manager 1/2 in 1996). It’s properly testing and will punish mistakes while having a strategic layer that needs figuring out before you start to win.

The team could win the championship this year. We shall see …

Back to fiction though …

I’ve got the Stargate Horizons episode on in another window. It’s reminded me about Stargate again. They start it off again in about a week ! Definitely queuing up that one for another watching.

PS If anyone recognises the first dragon pic as being theirs … please do drop me a comment or an email and I’ll supply proper attribution. Google found it from a betting site and I’m definitely not linking to that)

Random Squirrel


Up is a great film. I’d highly recommend you see it. Kinda connected to the pictures coming ? Concerning random squirrels though, I kinda wish I could show a picture or two of the squirrel-friends that run around the site at work. Can’t take pictures at work though. They’re quite brave squirrels … we’ll see them a lot running around the greenery between the paths.

Wait …. Squirrel !

I picked this up before Xmas from a new shop that’s opened up in the centre of Bristol. It’s another modelling and curiosity type shop and it sells various things including the Jigzle puzzle above from a site that can be found at www.greentanet.com . They have all sorts of things there, like animal kits, architecture, lifestyle, vehicles and movie tie ins. I am highly tempted to pick up another XWing, a Millennium Falcon, definitely their Star Trek Enterprise and they also have the Niffler.

And Dobbie. They have a Dobbie. (And a BB-8)

The first few bits. One thing I’d immediately say is that the laser cut wooden bits are not quite in tolerance (translation – they’re not cut enough and are marginally too big) and they fit together very tightly. That means there’s no free play between the bits, the models won’t fall apart but … you really shouldn’t have to get a wood file, pliers or a hammer to help you put them together.

Yes. That is a hammer.

Coming together with a pair of front paws.

Almost there. The models are made up of a frame comprising large bits of wood and are rounded out by smaller pieces fitting in to more slots and grooves.

Job done ! But let’s have a better look from another angle :

Click for bigger as per usual.

On the whole, an enjoyable kit to put together and the finished Random Squirrel is rather cute. Will I get some more from the site ? Quite likely actually. There are a couple of small pieces missing because some of the elements of wood broke away but I’ll know to file the grooves open a little more for the next one.

This was a far more satisfying kit to put together than the attempt at a Metal Earth kit. I’ll go back to those when they intimidate me less but I barely got the central fuselage of my Metal Earth XWing together before giving up. It was too fiddly and wasn’t cooperating with the staying together while being put together thing.

Shiny !

Oh and the wood smells amazing.

Movies and Book – Spiderman Arrival Rising Evil

A few things to mention today ….

Haha, partly because going into depth on 2 of them will lead to massive spoilers !

Yep. Gratuitous use of spider picture. The spiderfriend above is a gift from FuzzyFreaks (link on the right hand column) who is a lovely, crazy, batty, funny streamer who I’ve been enjoying watching over the last 6 months since finding the channel.

Recommended. Check her out, at the moment especially if you’re interested in pirate sailing games. Yep, the Fuzzy One is well and truly addicted to Atlas, a pirate ship MMO.

First film of the day ! Spiderman into the Spiderverse. This one is an animated charmer of a movie, opening with its star, Miles Morales. He gets bitten by a spider and …. you know what happens after that. Definitely an origin story movie but …. you gotta start somewhere. It brings in a number of other great characters along the way, including more than a few surprises.

I cannot recommend this movie sufficiently. After being somewhat in the doldrums over the Xmas break, this film kinda hit that reset button and got me charged up again. (Haha, until the next day when lack of sleep was getting the better of me).

Go see it and …. I think it’s one of those films that genuinely benefits from being in the cinema too with the scale of the visuals. I’d see it again in the cinema before it goes, given the excuse.

(Yes, that’s giving you the excuse to give me the excuse to watch it again).

I watched Arrival today after getting home from work. A curious film. It goes back and forth in a way you cannot truly comprehend. At least not until you’ve seen it all the way through.

It starts with an alien … incursion ? Visitation ? Anyway, the aliens are here in 12 ships spread around the globe and no one can find a common frame of reference in which to communicate with them. Until that is, our Louise appears and gets to figuring it out.

Mind bending film. Definitely recommended.

Rising ?

First completed book of the year is Persepolis Rising, book 7 of the Expanse series. This follows the trend of the 6 before, in that it starts off a new trilogy in the series. So this one is set a few decades after the sixth book and the crew of the Rocinante are figuring out what to do next, when all hell breaks loose.

As it does.

Not sure what to make of this book and I’m somewhat in fear for the success of the series. I’ll get the next two books (when they drop in price … and when they’re written !) so I get the complete story. I kinda have an unfinished business feeling with series that I don’t finish, even if I’m not enjoying them too much. I have to Know.

Anyway, there’s a bit of an Irresistable Force vs Immovable Object theme going through this book and … I wasn’t convinced this time that the set up and scenario made sense the way it did with the previous books. The nemesis is rather too strong in this case.

But perhaps that’s straying too close to spoiler territory. If you’ve read the previous 6 books, you know you’re going to get this book for the continuation of the story. If you haven’t read the others, then you can only start with the first book, Leviathan Wakes.

Last one ! Resident Evil, The Final Chapter.

You know what to expect here. Lots of zombies, guns, Milla Jovovich kicking butt, absolutely zero sense in the story. This time, they start off a little bit of time after the last one finished and revisit old territory. Alice is going back to the Hive.

A fairly enjoyable romp too but … as for a few of the entries above, you wouldn’t be seeing this one unless you’ve seen the previous films.

So …

For the thinkers – Arrival was really good.
For absolute fun – Spiderman into the Spiderverse is a must see.
For the space opera – The Expanse continues its epic tale.
For BRAINZZZZZZZZZ – Resident Evil.
For madcap capers in a pirate boat – FuzzyFreaks playing the Atlas.

Back to work tomorrow


Back in tomorrow, don’t feel ready but I have been hitting that stage where I’m having trouble getting to sleep because I’m not that tired. Oh and also random going to bed times (partly courtesy of games, partly due to watching streaming people on the internet).

Oh ! Happy New Year everyone. Hopefully 2019 will be a good one. I’ll want to put 2018 behind me for a few reasons but there are those few steps forward as well.

First … picture.

Toasty thing is very toasty after a minute in the microwave. (It’s a Warmie, it’s supposed to be heated up !)

I’m almost better on the outsides … that’s something that’s been a long time coming. There are still a few hold out bits that aren’t finishing up their healing but those have been looking better after a week of not doing very much at all. I have been pondering putting plasters on again though as I’m literally my own worst enemy with my outsides and keep attacking them. It’s become a habit that I definitely need to ditch.

New job … haven’t talked about that much here but it’s a move back to engineering and not too far either. I’m still in the same larger team, just a different part of it. It’ll be a stepping stone to something higher up either in the same team … or a different one. We’ll see what opportunities are out there over the next year or so.

Bookwise, I set myself a target of 52 books to be read in the year last year. How did I do ? With a little cheating with some short ones, I got up to 29. I still have to write the review for number 29. I had a good start but somewhat stalled in the middle of the year. Probably watching too much cricket and not enough book. Also somewhat too tired to read after a while too. Book number 29 is Persepolis Rising of the Expanse series which I’ll write more about soon. This one took a whole 2 months after The Martian …

It has been good to be reading again and the next one will be on the Kindle again, either Children of Time or Thrawn of Timothy Zahn. I also have book 1 in the Annihilation series to read on the Kindle plus a few books donated by my mum. Lots to read. Oh ! The book about horrid games too should be a good chuckle.

One thing I need to definitely do over the next year is get cracking on sorting out the house. There’s new jobs adding to the old jobs that I haven’t had the energy to tackle over the last few years.

Yep. Back in tomorrow, which means :

That’s tomorrow and I need to do a Mall run after work as well.

Doctor Who’s new year special was good. It wasn’t Weeping Angels like the pic above (I personally really dislike the Weeping Angels, they’re a jump scare alien that doesn’t actually make any sense outside of plot devices).

Colder today due to something apparently called an Omega Block where a high pressure bubble is trapped over GB. That causes the clouds to disappear and all the heat to escape. Wonder if we’ll get snow again this year ? I did enjoy the little snow expedition last March, although I was very glad to get back indoors and put the kettle on.

Last thought – I’ve been seeing stories about the expedition to check out the Ultima Thule asteroid. They have a picture :

That looks familiar …

Cya !

Christmassy away time … and a little loot

Hello again. It’s been almost a week …

I’ve been away visiting people and I’m now back into chilling out mode. I’m needing to recuperate after what feels like a very long year, although that year also whooshed by again. I may well be doing a review of the year type post on Monday (31st) ….

Christmas saw me making the trip up to see the mum, sister, sister’s bloke and the dogs. A good trip. With bonus horse :

That’s Temp, who was in very friendly mood and graciously accepting all head rubs that were being offered.

Although I suspect he was much more interested in his Christmas dinner.

It was good to see the dogs (and the family !) again. This is the first Xmas since we lost my dad, so certainly very different. (I’ll miss him for a long time). He wasn’t very well this time last year (mum was suffering from a heavy cold too), so we spent last Xmas up at their place but this year, I did transport and we all met up at my sister’s place.

And the dogs. That’s Icey, who will always be an anxious one although even when the initial excitement of NEW PEOPLE settled down into a more chill acceptance into the local pack, I think she was still a bit perturbed by what was is the other side of this picture. (Selfie cam). You have to treat Icey very gently and always remember that you’re the guest in her home. If she needs space, she really needs that space. And she’s also a big ball of white floof.

And that’s the Murphster, who is always very keen to show how much he loves people. A very affectionate pooch who I suspect would be quite happy curling up in anyone’s lap. He’s a bit big for that though but I don’t think he understands. (PS The hand is in that position to push against his upper chest, to stop him jumping up … it’s not a choke)

Oh and they’re both massive fans of bacon.

And they very definitely took up their station under the dining table with an attitude of “This is our domain, any meatscraps that enter are ours now.” :-D.

We were all suffering from colds (I’m still getting rid of one even now) but it was a good few days away with all of the family.

Some of them gave the impression that they’d fade away though without meatscraps.

Yep. We know what you’re after !

I’ve been back for a few days and I’m looking to chill out and recuperate as much as I can before work starts again but so far :
Lots of Motorsport Manager, my team are now welded into the top league but we’re still about 5th to 6th fastest with lots of catching up to do.
Little bit of Skyrim, with purple windows (a clash or a missing graphic asset) and enjoying a rather weird Cthulhu inspired mod. I’ll be doing more random bimbling around in Skyrim over the next week.
Curiosity at the Steam sale, haven’t actually bought anything yet.
Amazement at Amazon and iTunes. I get reward vouchers from my credit card and usually cash them in now to spend on iTunes or Amazon vouchers yet … the e-vouchers are out of stock.

Yes. E-vouchers. Out of stock. That translates to “We aren’t going to honour new ones of these at sales time”. The sales offers at both Amazon and iTunes look particularly awful though, so I can wait a little bit.

I am not completely without loot though. As well as the fella in the first pic … (and here’s a better look at him on a tree just about able to hold his weight)

… There were sweet things :

The lemon sherbets have already disappeared (lush), I have the bonbons and the kola kubes, not started on the fudge yet and as that brownie wasn’t packaged up, that disappears quickly too.

I thought I’d missed out on the gertlush marshmallows that are on sale around Lincoln (Naked Marshmallow Co, highly recommended) as they only had the burner kits on sale at the farm shop. But ….

Mums are the best and come through with unexpected marshmallow loot. Mums are also resistant to doggie hypnosis, despite this fella’s best efforts :

(He got some of the leftovers later with the other bit going to Icey)

A good time away, great to see the family again. Lots of slurping by Murph and I think I’m accepted by the Icey one now.

But was the slurping a sign of affection or was it taste testing ? I still have all my fingers.

Star Wars Advent 2018 Days 23 and 24 – a perfect snowman

Yep. Two days worth today !

I’ll be needing to get on the road sometime fairly soon and I wanted to post a picture of the entire collection for this year.

Today – Han and the Wookie Snowman. A good finish for the year I think.

Highlights for this year for me have been the AT-AT, the Naboo fighter, the Rose minifigure, another mini TIE Fighter and the speeders.

The books today had to be Lego. I definitely enjoyed putting together all three of the models corresponding to the books above. I haven’t posted the pictures for the fighter yet but :

Here’s a link to BB-8 …
And the Millennium Falcon build.

The Falcon was before I really got into the swing of knowing when and how to take pictures as the build develops. I’ve got a lot of respect for how the Brick Builder fella does his videos, those must take a mountain of work to produce and present.

But yep. I’ll be on the road fairly soon, pretty much as soon as I throw a bunch of things into a bag and stagger out of the door with them.

More posts later undoubtedly !

But for now – have a great holiday everyone.

Star Wars Advent 2018 Day 22 and a collection of Hills

What’s behind today’s door ?

I think it’s some kind of tree today. (It’s the green thing with 4 pointy things on the sides).

It’s a Douglas Hill day today. I did that thing again where I look up the author to remind myself of their bibliography and discover they died a few years ago ! Same again here. The books above were all written in the 80s, which is mostly when I got to read them.

(I’ve snipped off the top so left to right it’s : Warriors of the Wasteland, Exiles of Colsec and the Last Legionary Quartet).

It’s a shame there won’t be any more books from this author, he came out with some very readable, albeit pulpy books and I enjoyed reading them at the time. They rattle through extremely quickly and manage to pack in about as much action and narrative as you’d find in a book of twice their length. There’s no messing about, straight into the story while still totally explaining what’s going on. It’s quite odd how they’ve never seen their way into television. They’re almost totally made for being turned into a miniseries.

First up today is Warriors of the Wasteland, middle book of the Huntsman trilogy. This series is about Finn Feral, huntsman who leaves his home village after his family is abducted by the mysterious alien slavers. This one is set in the far future, on an Earth where aliens have invaded and effectively destroyed civilisation with humans being set back into a hunter gatherer existence. There are 3 dominant races, the brutish beastmen who enforce the will of the alien slavers and the humans are the subjugated third race.

This one sees Finn make his way across the land he has found himself in, getting ever closer to where the alien slavers have taken his family. But …. there are other perils in the Wasteland.

In the middle, we have Exiles of Colsec, which is another far future novel. Except this time the oppressors are humans and they didn’t get beaten to the stars by aliens.

This one sees a misfit group of outcasts getting dropped on an untouched planet. The main tactic of Colsec (Colonisation Section) is to round up prisoners and drop them on to new planets. If they survive, Colsec moves in to take over what they’ve started to set up. If they die, then Colsec drops more people. A set up that is in typically brutal Douglas Hill style. However, this time the spaceship has crashed, leaving the survivors with even less supplies than usual and there’s a prison guard who was expecting to be able to gone home, he’s stranded with them too.

But … it gets worse ! There are many alien critters on this planet and they’re just waking up to a new food source.

This one sees the colonists attempt to survive, the next book (Caves of Klydor) sees them attempting to repel an incursion by Colsec with the third having them look to turn the tables on Colsec.

Another trilogy I must re-read at some point.

Last up is the Last Legionary Quartet, which I wrote about in a couple of the 52 books series earlier this year. (Link to Last Legionary, link to the other 3). A quick summary :

Humanity has colonised the galaxy and spread across all of its boundless expanse. Conflict abounds and the most elite fighting force in the galaxy has just been annihilated by unknown forces. The protagonist, Keill Randor, finds himself ending up as the Last Legionary of Moros. He immediately sets out to figure out what happened and his investigations through the 4 books lead him to the source of growing chaos in the galaxy.

Another good set of books !

The next couple of days will be a little odd with Advent. I should post up tomorrow’s one fairly early but Monday’s may be a little odd due to travel. We shall see what I can post !

Star Wars Advent 2018 Day 21 and a racer

What’s in the box !

I’m pretty sure that’s a speeder bike out in front there.

It’s getting pretty crowded up there isn’t it ! I’ll be looking to acquire more soon. My credit card comes with loyalty vouchers and this is the time of year that I look to turn in those accumulated vouchers. We’ll see. I’m still not recovered yet from the bugs and it feels like letting the foot off the throttle after breaking up from work has led to a general ugh where my energy levels have collapsed.

Books today ?

Robert E. Howard was the original creator of Conan, which is a character that’s been super popular in tales like the Dungeons and Dragons. Perhaps a much better setting than settings like Middle Earth or those D&D worlds.

The original Conan was a tough nut but far smarter than the Conan we see in the Arnie movies. However, I do love the Arnie movies as well. I think I own the Conan Exiles game too via a Humble Bundle offer but I’ve never played it.

Good stories to build on and that movie was fantastic, from the story, the characters and that sublime Ennio Morricone music.

Next up is another Mars book. I just thought, I should have run a feature where all of the books for the day were different Mars books ! Today it’s Mars by Ben Bova, which is another book I enjoyed hugely when it first came out. I may well have been a big Ben Bova fan.

After Red Mars, which saw a new permanent settlement on Mars and The Martian, which was a rescue book, this one is more akin to the setting of the Martian. Jamie the Indian is part of a multinational expedition to be the first to live on Mars. For a while at least, they have a few months to explore and evaluate whether further expeditions are worth undertaking.

There are events, accidents and a slow burning disaster that creeps up on the expedition members. A good read at the time, although that slow burning disaster is a little too slow if I remember right.

One curiosity about the 3 Mars books is the technology in use for survival.

Red Mars has the colonists in very light heated pressure suits. Kinda like a high tech onesie.
The Martian uses conventional space suits and EVA work suits.
Mars uses something more like Powered Armour.

Very curious how the different authors approached the problem of surviving on the surface.

Last one today is non fiction for a change. It’s Black Hawk Down from Mark Bowden.

This one follows the film quite closely (or the other way around). There is almost certainly a fair bit of artistic licence introduced here where the dialogue won’t match what was actually said and events happening differently etc but …. it’s an exceptional tale of what of how things can go wrong in the military environment and it’s a visceral tale of what confronts the people on the ground when it does go wrong.

It’s from a while ago but I’d heavily recommend both film and book.

I think that’s all I got energy for today ! Time to chill out to the videos, a Fuzzy stream and maybe it’s time to pull Expanse book 7 out again.

Later !

Star Wars Advent 2018 Day 20 and something old, something new

Oops. Late one again today.

Someone opened Stellaris and you know where that tends to go.

I’m pretty sure it’s a transport shuttle today, from Rogue One again. I must watch Rogue One again soon, it’s a great film.

So many films, books and games … so little time ! I think I’d reached the ends of my reserves over the last week or so and was really glad of a chance to sleep in and switch off thoughts of responsibility today. My background stuff has been the cricket channel showing reruns from the summer and it’s very nicely chill.

To the books !

Something I grew up with was a series called Robin of Sherwood. It had a wonderful soundtrack by Clannad which perfectly fit the setting. Here’s a link to the title theme but I think Together We is a special highlight. The album is called Legend and it’s an excellent one.

The book closely resembled the series and the series had a lot of fun in it. I can’t remember too much of it (this was over 30 years ago !) but I thought the main star, Michael Praed and the rest of the cast were stunning.

Next up is something new, it’s Excession by Iain M. Banks. I think this is the best of the Culture novels. It starts steady but quite soon in, a calamity occurs where an extra-dimensional / extra-galactic invader appears that is of equal or even better technology compared to the dominant Culture.

It’s described in the book as an Outside Context Problem where something comes along that is so off the board, so unexpected, that there is no defense against it.

Must read this one again soon and I’d thoroughly recommend it to people interested in Iain M. Banks’ Culture universe. Although I’d advice reading Consider Phlebas first as an introduction. The drama runs all the way through this book and the sense of The Culture Will Win In The End is thoroughly shaken up.

I wonder if the Nomnivorian Raveners will face an Outside Context Problem. Here’s the situation at the moment :

They now feed on about a quarter of the galaxy (top right) and nothing has even slowed them down yet.

(They will face an Outside Context Problem. Google will tell me the console commands to summon one, two or even them all at the same time ….)

Last book for today is an older Robert Heinlein book called Sixth Column. This one was from 1941 and was first published as a novel in 1949. You’ll be well aware of what was happening in the world at that time and this book borrows heavily from that.

It’s set in the future (probably a bit ahead of today still). The PanAsians have steadily been taking over the world and enforcing a brutal regime on their subjects. America has just surrendered except for … a lone outpost of 6 scientists who have just invented something amazing.

Can they survive ? What will their future be ?

Can they thrive … can they take the battle to the enemy. And what will the cost be as the brutal PanAsian regime exacts a terrible revenge as reprisals against rebellion.

Oh and the Steam Xmas sale may have started. What shall appear ?