Guilty …

Ok – the World of Warcraft break didn’t last all that long, although I’ve not gone back into the murky world of the politics that’s on my old server. I’m on a different one now with all new characters. So that’s most of what my weekend was, I reactivated on Thursday evening and have probably racked up a day and a half of real time play … That’s not particularly healthy but hopefully I’ll be able to settle into a reasonable pattern there.

Oops 😉

The badminton on Wednesday went a lot better than I thought it would, seems like the muscle memory is still there. Which would be a good thing if my body was still the shape it remembers ! I’m very similar in weight but inactivity has caused the muscles to decay a bit. That didn’t stop me diving around the court like a mad thing though 🙂 I put in about 5 dives and a similar number of pirouette spin shots.

The wonderful thing was that my muscles behaved themselves this week and allowed me to get on with the game. In the first week, within 5-10 minutes they felt like they’d had lead injected into them. The sandbag around the middle wasn’t really noticeable either. Good signs 🙂 Just like not having any real muscle soreness the next day was a very good sign. There is a lesson though :

1st week, I failed to warm up before starting, 2nd week I did warm up fully. 1st week I had lots of soreness, 2nd week I was clear of it. Lesson ?

The next stage will be the cricket season. Badminton can be a very energetic game and it’s a good way for me to lead my way back in. Cricket’s up another level though. Badminton’s played in very controlled conditions whereas cricket is out on an open field with bumps, slippy bits and hollows. Not to mention people doing unspeakable things to a small leather cricket ball. My knees and hips aren’t really up to that just yet. Will have to give it a few more weeks to see if they strengthen up. The timings are awkward too, most of the games are on Mondays and Wednesdays which are clashing with other things.

Things are looking up physically. Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain it without breaking anything.