Just going out for a while …

You know how the rest of that one goes don’t you ?

It’s just for a week and it’s in a place that’s far more hospital than the place where that famous (infamous?) saying was coined.

I’ve got a good little support group down in Bristol and the core people in it like to get away from things every so often. That time’s come again, with 3 of us heading down to Devon for a week. No work*, no laptops, just getting away from the stress of modern life (us and our First World problems ? lol) and chilling out for a bit.

*I say no work but I’m highly likely (95%) to make the hop across to one of our offices on Monday. It’s one I’ve never visited before and they have Very Shiny Kit there. And people I’ve been needing to talk to. I’m not seeing that as work though, I really enjoy the visits where we get to see kit and that’s coming from a “what’s there now, who’s new, what do we need next ?” point of view. They’re really useful visits from a learning and connecting point of view.

I’m hoping I can recharge the batteries. They’re sorely depleted at the moment from :

a) Skin problem
b) Breathing problem

The skin problem is one that readers here will know far too much about. I’m pleased to say that since the doctor visit, I’m back to mostly Pasty White Petey Goodness again. The condition under the surface has improved immeasurably. I just need to give my arms a chance to catch up.

However – I’ve seen this kind of improvement before, it comes with the antibiotics. I’m just hoping that it stays cleared up after the antibiotics run out.

Breathing problem is something new – I find it very hard to sleep with even the slightest wheeziness. And I appear to have run out of Benedryl antihistamines (oops). I think it’s from a cold, which I always seem to run into at the start of a leave period. Plus someone at work had bugs … It’ll come right.

The breathing is ok for me to be singing along to Kate Bush’s The Kick Inside album coming from the laptop.

Yep. I’ve already packed up enough that the LittleWhiteBox that links laptop to hifi is already in a bag somewhere.

Aye – you read that right. I actually did some packing last night instead of leaving it all to this morning. I must be feeling ill ;-). There’s still a little to do but that’s the stuff that has to go in bags at the last minute (medicines) that you always forget.

What’s the plan other than an immense amount of chilling out ? Cos being cooped up for too long gives you cabin fever :

Hunt for music
Hunt for books
Hunt for more t-shirts

Basically wanders around the local tourist trap areas and hunt for shinies.

I’ll put in a few updates through the week because we have a couple of methods of getting mobile access open to us. But I’ll close up with two things :

Happy Birthday to a very dear friend ! This message is for Monday …
And a hearty see you next week. Or in about an hour if you’re coming too (2 of my regular readers are coming)