There … and back again

Back home again now after a sojourn away in Cornwall.

Decent week 🙂 Lots of chilling out with a couple of special friends. To be honest, I’m still not back to what I should be but it’s either getting closer or I’m getting a false picture because of the antibiotics. I was still leaking for the first few days, had trouble sleeping for all of it (I don’t sleep well in unfamiliar conditions) but on the whole, I’m a hell of a lot better than I was a fortnight ago.

So what did we get up to ? Firstly :

Yep. There was an escapee who came back with me. He’ll be my avatar for the next little while, although he’ll be escaping again to be a raffle prize in a couple of weeks.

Here’s the town where we stayed :

It’s a place called Looe. Our cottage was on the hill up above. Good place – clean air, lots of quiet. Having sporadic internet access was a downer, although to be honest I probably spend too much time on the interwebs anyway. Oh – the Tom Sawyer pub was in easily walking distance and I think all 3 of us would happily recommend it, although the bright and breezy Kianna from the hotel next door wins the waitress of the week prize.

Sunday saw chill out and a walk into Looe, Monday was supposed to be a bit of an indulgence for me seeing a ship but I wasn’t feeling too great. I joined the others for a walk around Polperro instead. I was soooo close to buying a few trinkets to bring back with me but that not feeling great caught up with me. Meh.

Crash time … I can go into a kind of survival mode, where my energy ends up at its lowest level. I guess the lack of sleep catches up. I’m still capable of doing stuff in survival mode but I clamp down and shuffle my resources into keeping going. I go quiet and desensitize. But I’m still able to concentrate on what I’m doing, even if the ability to make decisions like “Shiny !!! Buy now” is fuzzy.

Ok – Polperro Monday, chillout at Looe on Tuesday. We had a look at more of the town on Tuesday and came away with more loot.

Wednesday, Wednesday, what was Wednesday … (Quick peek on Facebook !) Ah ha ! Plymouth.

We got away with it on the weather fronts for most of the week but Wednesday in Plymouth was a tad different. Very wet. We hid in the National Aquarium for a while before paying a visit to the Hoe Memorial. While we were there, HMS Somerset swept by while doing a boat transfer :

(Ship name brought to you by the magic of the AIS device!)

Thursday was more chill out. I’m not the only one of us who’s suffering at the moment. I appreciate the chill out days. Friday saw us heading to the tip of Falmouth for a look at Pendennis Castle. When you go to see castles in the UK, it’s rare to see them in as good condition as Pendennis. It started as a fort in the 1600s to protect the coastal approaches from foes like the Spanish Armada and saw life in World War 2 as a coastal battery.

It’s well worth a look if you find yourself nearby.

So – that’s my week. I’m sure I’m leaving lots out. Like the books I read through and how the car handled the roads (lots of hills).

I’m in a lot better condition now than I was, a lot of the damage has repaired and some of my skin is now ridiculously smooth, despite me not using the recommended moisturiser. I’m still needing to be very careful though because I have a bad habit of damaging it myself. I urgently need to ditch that habit. I’m also hoping that it’s not yet another false dawn, where the antibiotics hold the infection at bay until they run out.

Back to work tomorrow – which means banter with the canteen staff over teacakes and cookies. Catch up with the work people. And hopefully a chance to catch up with some very special friends.