Looking at the tech again

I appear to be struggling for subjects again, which is a little odd because there are two Lego builds waiting to be posted.

Sometime. Soon.

Or something ate the ideas when I wasn’t looking. Maybe.

I did read something today though which made me think back to why I was looking to retire my old Macbook and replace it with something newer. It was an overly techie story about people installing Linux on their Macbooks, apparently the security on the newer Macs don’t let you do that. The daft question from me is : Why would any sane person want to do that ? I get the “Because I can” reason … but still. Apple hardware is excellent but you can get non Apple laptops that are better and cheaper to put Linux on. Linux on Apple hardware feels like a special kind of heresy.


Anyway – the story made me remember some of the reasons why I stepped away from Apple. The big one is their attitude to customers. It feels as though you don’t buy your Apple kit, you lease it until such a time as they see fit to disable it or disable features that you depended on.

For me, I couldn’t go past iTunes 10.7 because it has a feature I use exclusively for my music listening. The iTunes DJ feature was replaced by a totally inadequate feature in iTunes 11. Because Apple then decided to make newer iOS versions not talk to iTunes 10.7, I had to retire my iPhone as a phone because I couldn’t keep it secure. Trust me on : you don’t want your phone to have security holes.

There was also the thing where I couldn’t use a USB wifi widget (to get around partly broken wifi on the laptop) because Apple disabled the support for third party widgets as well. And I think there were a few other issues as well. I haven’t actually turned on the Macbook since getting its replacement, not even to copy the pictures and other documents over. Oops.

That’s enough whinging about the tech though.

Sleeping better at the moment, which might be due to increased tiredness. The acid that was troubling me has been more controllable, although I need to delete the tendency to attack my legs. They’re not quite healed yet but they are much closer. There is that conditioned tendency to do more damage though. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.

I had donuts earlier. The aftermath involved someone telling me I’d had too many donuts. I can’t remember what I’d said now to invoke that. It may well have involved ruff jokes.

Donuts earlier, quite possibly popcorn in a few minutes after I hit the post button.

No gaming today though. My wrist doesn’t like me very much at the moment so it’ll be watching gaming while leafing through Persepolis Rising. That’s book 7 of The Expanse while I take a little break from the British Stargate story.

Oh – birthday soon ! Not long to go. I’ll be acquiring things. Edible things mostly. But we shall see what we find as well. I’ll be raiding the Bristol Xmas market on Friday afternoon …

Oh wait. I think I just said a taboo word.


I hope. See ya !