Random Birthdayness

Birthday again earlier in the week !

Yes I am even older now.

I’ve been kinda neglecting this place lately …. I’m one of those people who can blast through things up to a certain point but when I get a chance to relax, the energy will go and I’ll be in recovery mode. So everything’s been going into work at the moment and then I need to crash out later.

And I’m definitely tending to the crashing out rather than feeling like posting things.

I’m behind on posts like :

2x Lego builds
Yesterday’s ship visit.

Ok, here’s a pic from yesterday :

Pretty ship is shiny. She’s the SS Great Britain, a revolutionary steam sailing ship that rewrote the book on how ships are powered by being the first propeller driven ship. I had an enjoyable wandering around this lovely ship. But that’s for another post …..

We had a work meet up in town, which was very enjoyable and I also tried out the Christmas Market in town last Friday.

Yep. Christmas is coming …. A sausage-inna-bun was devoured and I’ve been making my way through the special fudge that appeared from the market. I’ve also been getting quietly addicted to Kola Kubes again. I’m looking to check out the Cardiff and Bath Xmas markets this year.

There is no Happy Cookie Place again this year ! NOOOO ! Hopefully cookies will appear at Cardiff or Bath.

There was a Flake Break meet up last weekend, which was good fun. I was a bit nonplussed by the tribute band though, he was enthusiastic but with him covering Olly Mars and Bruno Murs, I don’t know either of them. It was great to meet up with people again, first time I’ve seen them since the last one 5 years ago … and I was suffering from a concussion then which was affecting me more than I realised.

Birthday Tuesday ! I acquired the cakes on Monday and was highly enjoying exhorting people passing my desk to raid the cakes. I was in a better position this year to do that. And then yesterday involved wandering around the great ship until I felt the crash starting to creep up on me.

I’m also enjoying the women’s cricket world cup. There are more close games now in the women’s game as the lesser nations are catching up to England, India, Aussie and South Africa. At the moment, it’s New Zealand vs Pakistan and it’s looking like New Zealand’s bowlers will quite comfortably see them through to a win. 5 wickets down already ….

Not much gaming happening, as a combination of that crashing out plus a poorly wrist. Lots of gaming being watched and enjoyed though.

Looking forward to the Xmas break. Especially as following it will be :
