Old game appreciation society

I’ve talked about World of Warcraft a lot lately, time for something a little different …

Ok. Not so different.

One of the early games I played and one of the few real time strategy games I’ve enjoyed was Warcraft : Orcs and Humans. (Humans and Orcs doesn’t quite sound right does it). This was one of the early RTS games, so it was nice and simple. I like simple ! It was also one of those games that gently leads you into the variation of units available through an interesting storyline.

It had the cartoony graphics that fit the world it was set in, plus it had plenty of character in there as well. There’s the hidden touches like what happens when you repeatedly click on a unit. Do that with an orc and you go through a sequence like “Zubzub”, “What?”, “Whaaaat?”, “Whatcha wanna kill?”, “Stop Poking Me!” and so on. It made me smile :-).

It allowed for decent tactics, although it was of the early days of RTS’s, so no 3d. Basic tactics of the ranged firing squad being the good ones. Although you could rock-paper-scissors that. Still, top game and I’ve wished that I’d taken up the chance to play Warcraft II and Warcraft III. Still could play Warcraft III, it’s still available in the shops on budget.

Blizzard (the developers) came up with a rich, interesting world, with plenty of character. Lots of history too, built up within the various Warcraft games. It’s now at the stage where you can play a single character within the world, with World of Warcraft. But it all started way back with Warcraft : Orcs and Humans.