That was the weekend that was

Well, we just came out of the new, shinier Guildlink’s first Molten Core run and what an excellent weekend :-).

Despite having literally half the raid group being newcomers to Molten Core and the pecularities of the bosses and mobs, we completed all of our objectives and blew through all the rest of them as well. I only expected to get about 3-4 bosses down but we actually got through 8. Which means lots n lots of nice shiny loot :-). (My main character is up to 5 epics now)

A lot of the new people got the shiny stuff as well. Which is fantastic. You should have seen some of the quotes that were cropping up in Guildchat from the new people – Molten Core is to be seen to be believed … They enjoyed it and we enjoyed having them along. Just have to get them trained up for dragon hunting. (You need an amulet to get in the front door.) Lots of good teamwork shown over the weekend too.

Last word goes to the person who brought all this together – lots of patience from our raid leader over the weekend. Very clear instructions of what happens with each boss and what to do about it. Means we’re ready for what happens before it happens. The patience and determination makes us more positive too. It’s not “We’ll have a shot at this”, it’s “He’s going down and I want to steal his stuff.” Heh heh heh – mobs soon learn to not get in the way of Guildlink.

Zul’Gurub is the target for Guildlink tomorrow, although I’m not likely to be there because I’ll hopefully be bringing my readers a cricket match report. (crosses fingers for a healthy shoulder)