Plan vs Reality …. 2 !


Yesterday didn’t go to yesterday’s plan. Almost. There was one bit that went perfectly to plan.


Pizza happened and it was glorious. Pizza is always glorious. Although I can never eat the lot. The last time I finished a large pizza was probably after Cricket Ball vs Head Incident 3, where I lost all sense of hunger for a fortnight. (I didn’t know I was hungry until I heard the yawning of rumbles and didn’t know when I was full – weird).

Work was good, with the various tasks that I wanted to get done before leaving, being completed. I may be checking in through next week though, if only to demolish some of my inbox before coming back. Kinda like, no replies but loads of deleting. My inbox is pretty full of stuff I should have deleted ages ago. And then there are the 500kb attachments I regularly send out.

It’ll be good to have the week away from work to both catch up on sleep and to give my feet a chance to heal up. They don’t really appreciate being trapped in socks and shoes but … they’re getting there.

Yesterday afternoon ? One plan was to go see a movie. Popcorn + movie chillout. But …

1 – nothing really tempting on. I had a choice between the Power Rangers movie and the Kong movie. I’m not particularly interested in the Kong movie (although I’ll record it for watching when it comes out free) and Power Rangers is another not too bothered about film. I’d quite happily see Ghost in the Shell again though.
2 – traffic …. it looked mental going out towards the cinema I’d have aimed for. Traffic around Bristol centre was pretty bad yesterday. Not sure why. Perhaps something to do with the school term times.

I had a quick chilled out wander around Bristol centre instead. I didn’t buy anything except my lunch but I do enjoy the wanders. I might go back sometime next week depending on how those feet are doing.

The cinema run would have set up the timings nicely for … shopping followed immediately by pizza. I have two close by pizza collection places and the better one is next to the supermarket. Shopping happened early and pizza happened later.

The next bit of the plan was to run an all nighter to evade the nasty after effects I can get from pizza. However … I was :

Utterly exhausted.

It quickly became apparent that I needed to search out my pillow or I’d fall asleep at my chair until midday. So I abandoned those all nighter plans quite early. What surprised me was …

Sleep until mid day ! Must have needed it.

Well, actually it was sleep until 8.30am. Very restful. And then more snooze.

Lovely, lovely sleep with none of those penalties for having the pizza.

And hopefully more to come over the next week. Around playing Mass Effect Andromeda … such a lot of controversy and hate over a game that I think will be good fun. Talking of games actually …

When I was watching Ghost in the Shell, I was being heavily reminded of the Deus Ex Human Revolution game. That one is about a reluctant cyborg, fighting a conspiracy. The action sequences and set up in Ghost in the Shell definitely made me think of how a Deus Ex movie would play out on screen. Now there’s an idea … The Ghost protagonist is far better than the Adam Jensen of DXHR though. And the story was good too.

Nah – today’s gaming was a little more Motorsport Manager, where my cars are rather better than anything anyone else has got so far. I’m staying in a lower division where I can make loads of money to get the factory better. Maybe one or two more seasons after this one until I move up. I’m looking to farm as many achievements as I can, although there are bugs which mean the “Backmarker to Best” achievement won’t unlock for me … It’s for having a driver start at the back of the grid, subsequently win. Maybe it needs actual qualifying instead of the reversed grids (Championship leader starts last) rule that’s currently active.

Yep. Even with the lots of sleep, I was only really feeling up to playing the game where I mostly leave it to do its own thing and intervene when a decision like coming into the pits needs to be made.

Relax now, active games later. Including Elite, which I haven’t been back into since finishing off the April Fools post.