Still here just in the bunker

Hello everyone,

Been thinking for a while that I should resurface for a bit and say hi … I have to admit to being rather in the bunker at the moment. It’s a combination of things. Most of it is IRL worries, not so much with me (because I don’t do that), more with family. But that’s not something I’ll put here except saying that I’m very worried about someone/somepeople.

Yeah, I do that, I worry more about other people than I do me. And that little monitor voice is telling me I’m getting close to hitting that wall again. That’s perhaps my biggest fear. I keep on going, whatever. But I know that at some point, I’ll deplete all of the reserves and be forced to stop. I have that feeling that the stop is approaching. So I’ll attempt to look after myself so I can look out for others, as limited as that might be.

It does feel more often now that I need to do a change of life style. The barge plan is one of those ideas. It would be a reset, a chance to start fresh. The job is another, I’ve been working for who I work for since the end of 1997. That’s a long time – 26 years ? I’m still committed to getting stuff done … but I’ve been at it for a long time. Perhaps that’s another symptom of being closer to that stop wall.

So that’s me in the bunker again, trying to hang in there again. Being able to escape for another cruise or similar getaway would be good, although the amount of leave I have remaining means that won’t happen until after Easter.

Gosh, that’s more than I intended to go into when I hit Add New Post, this was supposed to be a quiet one about :

Picture. We're looking at a box of Lego. The picture on the front is of a yellow and black sleek sports car. The red dwagon plushie is on top of the box, looking down at it from above.
What’s in the box !

Something from the Xmas break.

Picture. We're looking down from above at a desk with multiple assorted pieces of Lego of all sizes.

This was bag 1 of 4. Lots of little components to pin together, what will they make ?

Picture. More Lego ! Assembled into a rectangularish frame with more parts dotted around on the desk. A dwagon looks over it from the left.

The rear frame starts coming together.

Picture. We're looking at the lower frame of the Lego car. Not much to it yet but at the back (left of shot) is an engine with 2 rows of 4 brown pin things pointing up at us, with another set of those on the other side of the car. The frame is grey lego. We can see the black and yellow at the top.

There we are with the engine in the back and the start of the steering rack up front. The cog up top is how you steer the wheels. The back wheels are directly connected to the representation of the engine. This time, it’s 4 cams that rotate, which push the brown things up and down. The model is of a Bugatti Bolide, which has a highly unusual W16 engine (wiki linky) which is a pair of V8 (2 banks of 4 cylinders in a V) engines smashed together. I’ve been hunting for a diagram of how it is inside. Nada. Techie geek needs the info !

Picture. Lego car. We're looking at the front of the car, which is hiding all of the bits to the back. The black sills are on each side. The front is being held up on the head of a sturdy green dwagon.

Another peek with the sills and body frame coming together.

Picture. Lego Car. The car is more complete, with yellow bodywork at the back. We're looking at the left side with the car pointing left. At the front, we can see a short axle to a slight angle due to the steering being completed.

More progress, now with the steering in place at the front and some of the yellow bodywork at the back behind the engine.

Picture. Lego car. More pieces are being added. We're looking down at the front of the car again, with the front now having yellow pieces for aerodynamic wings.

More bodywork appears, including the Bugatti signature bumper grille. Nice detail in the pieces representing aerodynamic devices.

Picture. Lego Car. We're looking down at it from directly above. There is bodywork covering the engine at the back. We can see the cog on top which is how we turn the steering.

Now with engine cover.

Picture. Lego Car. We're looking down at the right front of the car. Yellow bodywork has been added above the front. We can't really see the doors but they're black with yellow doors that lift up to open. The red dwagon plushie is underneath holding the car at a good angle.

Almost there, that’s the front hood bodywork been added and the gull wing doors are on there as well. Last one coming up.

Picture. Lego Car. We're looking at the side of the completed car, pointing right towards a dwagon looking over the front of the car. Behind, we see the Lego book with the real yellow and black car on the left and the similar looking Lego car on the right.

There we go. Last one. They actually look more similar than you’d think you could get with Lego. Nice job by them and a good little kit to put together.

That’s it for me for now. I’ll be hanging in there, although that IRL stress is manifesting in increased levels of pain. I was able to disappear into Little Big Workshop and a couple of others (like the Motorsport Manager mega campaign) but I haven’t done much flying lately. Too much soreness from the shoulder, which is another indication of hidden tension.

We’ll be ok, I suspect you’ll be putting me in your thoughts after reading this, that’s appreciated. I’ll pass them on to the people I’m worried about.

Thanks for reading, back later 🙂